viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

friday sweets

The Key Lime Pie is one of my favorite desserts. The best thing is that I found a super easy to make it without having to bake and spend two hours in the kitchen. Hope you like it!

1 Pack of Maria cookies
1/2 cup of butter
1 3/4 cups of condensed milk
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tea spoon of vanilla extract


For the crust:
Blend the pack of cookies into a powder. Mix the powder with the butter until it has a light crusty feeling. Then you should take the dough you got and spread it on the bottom of wherever you are going to serve it. Some choose to serve it as a pie, I personally prefer to serve it in individual martini glasses, they look prettier.

For the filling:
Pour the condensed milk, the lime juice and the vanilla extract into your blender. Once it is properly mixed and you can't see the lime juice separating from the other ingredients, pour it on your pie or on your martini glasses.

If you choose to serve on small martini glasses, this recipe serves 10 glasses.


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